Another successful and very well attended Devon area council and AGM took place on Saturday morning in Exeter, and featured attendees from every single one of our Devon Associations.
Devon area Chair James Taghdissian took the chair and after the AGM, he introduced several short sessions in a mini conference including Devon CWO Chair Pru Maskell on wiser Facebook posts, Devon Young Conservatives representative, Evan Williams and thinking outside the box to attract young Conservatives, and Former Torbay MP Kevin Foster with some sage words on campaigning in the future. Devon campaign manager Tom Liddiard and South West regional Chair Marjorie Bayliss, as well as Devon Conservative group Council leader James McInnes were also in attendance. Thank you very much Anthony and Polsloe Club for your hospitality and an excellent venue.
If you would like to get more involved with your Association we can put you in touch with the right people.
Just email fundraising @ Devon area Conservatives .org.uk